Simon Wheatley

Simon Wheatley
London based Simon Wheatley is described as one of the most influential UK photographers of
the 21st Century.
Wheatley documented the rise and rise of grime culture in East London culminating in his
book “Don’t Call Me Urban. The Time of Grime”, capturing a cultural moment that continues to
inspire today.
Wheatley’s work is more than a documentation; his images reveal the city’s multifaceted
nature, highlighting both the divides and the connections between people living in vastly
different circumstances, with the effects of gentrification forming a central theme. A master of
composition, Simon can create interesting and magnetic images in a short space of time.
Through his lens we see a unique beauty and kindness that connects.
Alongside Don’t Call Me Urban Simon’s other published works include Silverlink, Lost Dreams &
Always and Forever There.
Clients include Nike, Island Records, Hennessy, Adidas, Asics, Sky & Corteiz.