Academy Photo Zine | Issue One|'Foundations'
In May we launched the first issue of our new quarterly photography zine. Issue 1 is titled Foundations, celebrating our new photographers, each bringing their own creative voice.
With the launch of Academy Photo we are proud to introduce eight new photographers, each with backgrounds in fine art, documentary, fashion, music, culture and creative direction providing depth in a diverse, talented roster.
The new division will embrace Academy’s ethos of creative excellence, attention to craft and singularity of vision that has been so key to our last 35 years of success.
Academy aims to provide a fully rounded home for creative talent. Art, music, film and advertising runs in our blood, and creativity is at the heart of everything we do.
With the launch of this department comes the launch of our zine. Each issue will focus on our recent work at Academy Photo, as well as our photographers personal projects and insight into their practice. The first issue is titled Foundations to celebrate Academy laying the infrastructure of this new creative chapter.
We are excited to share our second instalment in September, where we will be sharing our newest commercial and creative projects, interviews and commissions.